Drucksache 7/3844

A Man and Woman with the Mission to destory the live of Students at their University. Background Story: University is like home for us. We are Students from Germany and one of our political partys want to change the university law. Among other things, they don't want us to comment on political issues anymore and are against the equality in the university. That's why we made this game, to show people whats going to happen if the request will be accepted. Home is where we can be free. #notmyhochschulgesetz
Jam year: 
Super Secret Stash
MS Windows
Tools and Technologies: 
Unity (any product)
Technology Notes: 
Pyxel Edit
Installation Instructions: 

1. Download Game

2. Run it!

3. Use Keyboard to enjoy the game!


Simon Nebl: 2D-Character Artist

Nico Wamsler: 2D-Environment Artist

Melanie Ramsch: Coder

Manuela Bernhagen: Sound / Game Design

Eva Krumm: Sound / Game Design

Game Stills: 
Source files: