This is a stealth game where you have to power up your house's generator with blue light, while staying away from the red one. Collect blue light, and deposit it in your generator multiple times before it drains to succeed.
LMB to collect light/deposit to generator
R to restart the level (in case of bugs)
Q to look at the map of the current blue light and its surrounding red lights
Keep in mind that the generator has a different decay and storage capacity than yourself.
Jam Site:
Jam year:
MS Windows
Tools and Technologies:
Unreal Engine
Installation Instructions:
Download the game.
Extract it.
Run it.
Hristo Enchev - Game/Technical Design
Georgi Simov - Game/Level Design
Vasilen Alexandrov - AI programming
Klaudio Nasri - AI programming
Ivo Dimitrov - Procedural enemy spawning
Joan Tassov - VFX/Enviroment Art
Tervel Gueorguiev - Character/Envorioment Art
Dirk Lalleman - Enviroment Art
Wouter Bernards - Enemy/Technical/Lighting Art
Video Link:
Game Stills:
Source files: