Your home is your comfort zone, your escape, somewhere you can live with things that make you happy. Obviously there's no way you can protect yourself from all negativity, but you can try! Here in Comfort Home you will defend your home from negativity and fill it with positive experiences.
Jam Site:
Jam year:
Keep it simple
Super Secret Stash
MS Windows
Tools and Technologies:
Unity (any product)
Installation Instructions:
Extract the game files from the zip folder and then launch DefendYourHouse.exe
A huge thanks goes out to the amazing team. All their hard work, effort, and team work ensured we had a final product.
Logan Malcome - Programmer, Artist, and Project Management.
Ryan Condron - Programmer
Zach Schneider - Programmer and Music.
Aaron McDevitt - Programmer and Art.
Scott Stoneking - Programmer, Project Management, and Quality Assurance.
Joey Meyer - Programmer, Project Management, and Quality Assurance.
Timothy Bell-Elam - Programmer.
Video Link:
Repository Link:
Game Stills:
Source files: