Help Boris find its home.
Boris is an orange persian cat that flees from his owner's house - who was too busy developing a game and apparently forgot to take care of his own cat.
To walk use the keyboard arrows and... that's it. Try to explore the city as you like - Boris is going to be pissed off anyways.
Jam Site:
Jam year:
Language-Independence (Sponsored by Valve Software)
MS Windows
Tools and Technologies:
Unity (any product)
Technology Notes:
Adobe Photoshop, Canson Aquarelle XL, Koh-I-Noor watercolor painting
Installation Instructions:
Unzip it and run the .exe
Caio Mota - Boris' owner
Julia Belian - watercolor artist
Paula Soares - digital artist
Íris Soares - developer
Caio Cordeiro - developer
Emmanuel Peixoto - sound artist
Source files: