Sesc Belenzinho

Jam Site Owner: 
Log in to contact vanessapn
Entrance Fee: 
Entrada gratuita
26/01: 14h às 18h30; 27/01: 10h às 19h; 28/01: 10h às 18h.
Food Options: 
Access to coffee/beverages and food in close vicinity.
Available Tools or Technology: 
Notebooks, Tablets (Android), Arduino, Blender, Scratch, App Inventor, Inkscape, Gimp, Impressora, Scanner, Câmera digital
Who Can Participate: 
Interessados em criação colaborativa de games
Age Restrictions: 

Recently Uploaded Games

A fruit bat in a world of predators on the search for a mate using the power of Echo Location
Send commands to the digger.
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