KhAI Games
Displaying 1 - 16 of 16
30 secondsЧто ты сможешь сделать за 30 секунд?
CastleCastle. В ней принц спасает принцессу которая передаёт ему письма с помощью птицы.
Diamond SchoolTransmit your emotions to your friends in our diamond pong school.
Get my Control2 unit, 1 control
Incredible story of Billy ChiuThe story begins on July 23, 1982 in the Vice City. The protagonist named Bobby Chiu lived the most carefree life until July 23, that was a day that changed everything. On that day, he witnessed a...
Lord High TreasurerAbout bird of 80s with steal ability Transmission start
MissionaryYour task is to convert to your religion the local population. Locals have jobs and some other staff to do, so thay not always at home. Also don't forget not to annoy them too much.
NextGenNew version is available via LINK below. Игра заключается в том, что вы проживаете жизни людей, продвигаясь по поколениям вперёд. Вы рождаетесь, учитесь, определяетесь со своими ценностями и ваша...
Noha!Street Racing with cool soundtracks+dynamic game process!)))) Don`t forget about records and vehicle-shop :D
Play Elon BoyHello, young inventor! Finally came the day when you can ride your girlfriend on your own electric car. But beware: explosive batteries and deer on the road can ruin your trip!
Ricordando il fabbricaGame about fabric madness, safety regulations, common cases of incidents. Main narrative is about safety on production. Game proposes some cases of serious violation safety in production. Your meta...
Tetris: OriginsInteractive puzzle about a conveyor belt making and transmitting tetris blocks to the original tetris game.
TransmissionЭто очень легкая игра, в которой нужно всего-лишь собирать монеты.
Turbo cockroach racingAdd a bit of insanity to your life!
ПеревозчикВ данной игре вам нужно будет собрать железную дорогу, части которой разбросаны по всей локации. В течении игры вы будете узнавать сюжет, цели героя и сможете найти веселые пасхалки.