Time to download/update your tools! Network traffic will be high in the beginning.
Welcome to the Globl Game Jam Site at the Stockholm KTH!
Please register if you want to participate. We closed the registration, unfortunately the room is full already.
The room will be open from 16:00. At 16:30 there will be a quick introduction before the global keynote, so come no later than that.
You don't need any knowledge to be part of a team - it's great if you can program or create art, but it is also fine if you disover your skills on-site - if everything else fails you, you can still create a bord game ;)
We'll be jamming in the VIC Studio, some snacks are provided.
To find the site:
- enter the building through the main arch, right "tower"
- Go up the stairs to the right
- Go straight forward until you see the big VIC logo on the right wall
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me at [email protected]