It's a game where you can controle your character which can be a forest ranger, an amazon woman, the death or even a teapot. In the background there'll be some towers creating contamination, and you have to destroy them. But be carefull, because the contamination will hurt you!
Es un juego en el cual tu controlas un personaje que puede ir desde un guardabosques hasta una amazonas o la misma muerte, el cual se encarga de destruir unas torres que transmiten contaminación al suelo del escenario. Esta contaminacion daña al jugador
Jam Site:
Jam year:
MS Windows, Mac OS X, Linux / Unix
Tools and Technologies:
Unity (any product)
Technology Notes:
We used sibelius to compose the music and Magica Voxel to make the graphic design
Installation Instructions:
For playing, download the .zip file, extract and run
-WASD for moving
-Press and hold left click to attack once
-Your objective is to destroy the tower that transmits contamination to the nature
-If you go on red land, you'll loose life.
-Destroy towers and you win points.
BUGS: keep in mind that we are a young group and it is our first Game Jam. If you go further than the ground limits, you fall and don't die. Animation attack is only in one direction. We would like to fix it, and we'll keep on doing it.
Eva Ruiz Campos
Gerald Serrano Turbé
Palma Sánchez Barquero
Francisco José Muñoz Arana