
You're a tech worker in an orbital monster analysis facility. After stirring awake from your daily nap in the storage closet, you walk outside to everything in disarray. A beeping terminal shows an active transmission - you've slept through the breakout, and the monsters have spread to other facilities. You need to analyze the breakout scenes, and report in to save the other stations!
Jam year: 
AUDIO - Otamatone For Your Sins
NARRATIVE - Ever After
MS Windows
Tools and Technologies: 
Unity (any product)
Installation Instructions: 

Note: The game runs better in engine due to bugs. To have the best and most consistent experience, please download the Then, extract it. Inside the src folder, open the GGJ2018 folder within Unity (2017 2.0f3) or later. Then, just click play and follow the readme instructions to navigate.

Download the monsterDataBuild and extract it to your hard drive. Click into the buildFolder, and then click monsterData.exe. Click on run, and then you can navigate the main menu to start the game. Click on the terminal to the right of the spawn to quit.



MonsterData wouldn't have been possible without the hard work of:

Monique Beauchamp

Kristina Keenan

hase Slattery

Robert Bailey

Wes Waligora

Cori Mori

Not pictured: Marcus Campito

Environment is thanks to karboosx's Sci-Fi Styled Modular Pack


Game Stills: 