Communicate with UFOs by rocking their transmissions back at them, using either a guitar controller or just a plain ol' keyboard.
Jam Site:
Jam year:
CODE - Happy Birthday GGJ -
MS Windows
Technology Notes:
Paint.Net, Clickteam Fusion 2.5, Adobe Photoshop, Audacity
Installation Instructions:
All you really need is the .exe file. If you want to play with a guitar controller, you'll need to somehow map the fret keys to keyboard 1-5 and both up and down strum to space. I used a wii guitar and GlovePIE, but other options may exist.
Game by Johannes Leino
Title screen and UFO graphics by Tuuli Hypén
gameplay backdrop and button panel by Retu Hämäläinen
The less impressive graphics and placeholder images by Johannes Leino
Video Link:
Game Stills:
Source files: