
Welcome to your first day at BabelGate! You've been assigned to help our interplantery travelers get to their correct destinations by listening to their transmitted code words and selecting the correct transport gate. Using our proprietary (F)ocusing (I)nterstellar (S)ensory (H)earing translation device, you'll listen for transmitted code word from an approaching ship, and match it with the upcoming gate.But, be quick, because in space, no one knows how to brake! Bad things will happen if the ship jumps through the wrong gate. After too many mistakes, we would have to let you go, and we don't want that, right?
Jam Site: 
Jam year: 
DESIGN - Nem tão próximos
MS Windows, Mac OS X, Linux / Unix
Tools and Technologies: 
Unity (any product)
Installation Instructions: 


Hardware & Setup

  • 1st Computer running the Game – player using this is the Air Controller with the Babel Fish in their ear.
    • ***NOTE*** Place something on the screen to block the Destination (Only captain should see this)
  • Keyboard
  • Headphones #1 for Air Controller
  • Headphones #2 with very long cable for the Ship Captain(s)
  • 2nd Computer used by Ship Captain – Cast/Stream onto 1st Computer


Ship Captain: walk a distance away where Air Controller can’t hear them when talking normally.
Air Controller: Hit Start Game

Ship Captain is given a word that they need to describe to the Air Controller (their ship’s destination through the gate)

***NOTE*** Because the screen is shared, we recommend the use of Post-It Notes or similar coverings for portions of the screen for each player. The Ship Captain should cover the upper right corner of the screen, and the Air Controller should cover the lower left corner of the screen.

There is Interference Generated through the audio from issues with the Babel Fish, and the Air Controller needs to choose the right Gate

Select Different Gate: Arrow Keys
Lock in Answer and Fire Ship: Space Bar
Request Clarification: Q

***If no option is locked in, when the ship reaches the gate, it goes through whichever destination it’s currently selecting.

With each new alien ship, comes increasing difficulty to understand one another.
3 incorrectly chosen destinations and you’re FIRED!
Make it to Level 22 without getting fired and you win!


Aaron Angert - Game Programming / Design

Noah Copeland - Sound Effects & Music Composer

James Jackson - UI Programming / Design

Ian Patterson - Game Programming / Design

Vincent Rogers - Art & Animation

Game Stills: 