Watch this space, follow #GGJAuckland, remember to check out the fb page!
At #GGJAuckland jamsite, we have computers available for the jammers, and you are more than welcome to bring your own rig as well. Just let us know if you do so, and make sure to come in for registration as early as possible for a smoother set-up.
Jamsite schedule:
FRIDAY – 20th January 2017
3:00pm: Registration opens (Level 5 – Balcony)
5:30pm: Introduction / Housekeeping (Level 5 – Lecture Theatre) Keynote / Theme reveal
6:15pm: Team forming / Ideation
7:30pm: Food time
8:15pm: Idea sharing / Recruiting team members (poster pitch)
9:00pm: Allocating spaces in computer labs
SATURDAY - 21st January 2017
Team subscriptions must be completed today!
SUNDAY - 22nd January 2017
3:00pm: Uploading the games commences
5:00pm: Deadline for submission of the games
5:15pm: Presentations (Lvl5 - Lecture Theatre)
Then down to the pub :)
#GGJAuckland jamsite would like to express sincere gratitude to all of our local sponsors for their contribution and support: Media Design School, New Zealand Game Developers Association and Microsoft XBox New Zealand.