Super Wave Fitter

Haven't you ever wanted to be on that strange game show where people try to squeeze through odd foam cutouts? ...of course you have! This game pits you against wave after wave of silly cutouts that you have to "fit" through. Uses the HTC Vive room-scale VR. Thanks for checking it out! I'm looking forward to continuing development on this in the future.
Jam year: 
MS Windows
Tools and Technologies: 
Unity (any product), Virtual reality head mount display (Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, etc.)
Technology Notes: 
HTC Vive required to play.
Installation Instructions: 

First unzip, make sure SteamVR is running and you've got your room-scale set up, then run the exe to play.


David Blosser (@davidblosser)

Game Stills: