Star Wave

Long ago, our home world died in a massive supernova. The Sentient sent our people as pilgrims into the expanses of space to colonize new solar systems and survive their harsh conditions. The first task for our people is to create a world habitable for the civilian colonies. The Sentient charged the advanced Naval fleet with this solemn task.
Jam year: 
Lost library card
MS Windows, Mac OS X, Linux / Unix, Web browser with special plugins or packaged apps
Tools and Technologies: 
Unity (any product)
Technology Notes: 
X86 NOT x86-64

Zawayix "Z" Falconer

Patrick Louis O'Brien

Chris Hamann

Ryan Palen

Mike "Rozwel" Stout

Gabriel DeGuire

Randy Phillips

Saptarshi R. Ghosh

Carol Plillips

M.K. Jones

Julie Stone



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