A 3D runner that feels like its 2D where the player is on a crazy "trip" avoiding obstacles and switching from lane to lane, all the while listening to some sweet bomb dignity synth wave music.
The real challenge is to have one person play with a controller and not able to look at the screen while another person gives them quick instructions. So grab your favorite navigator, embrace your inner dragon, and start Road Trippin!
Jam Site:
Jam year:
To me, to you
MS Windows, Mac OS X
Tools and Technologies:
Unity (any product)
Technology Notes:
We used Maya, Garage Band, Visual Studio and Google.
Installation Instructions:
The graphic settings are the difficulty settings, don't ask us how but that is just how it is, so "good" is beginner and "fastest" is very difficult, so good luck, not even our best player could beat it quickly.
Alonzo Johnson - Level Designer
Ray Jacobson - Audio Engineer/Designer
Chris Herrin - Producer
James Dickson - Sound Designer
Jason Hales - Modeler/Artist
David Deyonge - Animation/Particle Effect Designer
Austin Christie - Modeler/Artist
Tjay Cargle - Lead Programmer
Anthony Thomas Gaines - Environment/Assets Designer
Russell Dobrovolny - Level Designer
John Ribarro - UI Programmer
Game Stills:
Source files: