The Hand Job!

You are a worker in a parade. Your job is to sit there and wave at people. However, you have to match the hand signs people throw at you, otherwise they start to hate you and eventually get so furious that they shoot you. You also have to keep waving your hand because your employer strapped a motion-sensing bomb to you. The job pays really well. Have fun! Controls are Q, W, E, R, and Space to control the fingers, and arrow keys to move the hand. F1-F4 for resolution control
Jam year: 
MS Windows
Tools and Technologies: 
GameMaker (any product)
Installation Instructions: 

Single Executable (Windows only)


Yukon Wainczak- Programmer

Anthony Bockley- Artist

Dylan Grasso- Artist/Designer

Oz Maoz- Inspiration

Logan Dahlgren- Table Chauffeur 

Game Stills: 
Source files: 