REQUIRES GAMEPAD (X360) - Supports 2-4 players for optimal experience - does play with 0-1 controllers in 'demo' mode Crowd surf your way to victory by battling atop a wave of spectators hellbent on seeing the greatest thrash band of all time; GOATHORN. Don't touch the floor lest you be trampled beneath the crashing tsunami of combat boots and decorative spikes! Should support four players if Unity is behaving itself. Controls: Move with the left stick Rotate with the right stick Punch with A Punch with B Escape/Start to Quit (it worked on my build)
Jam year: 
MS Windows
Tools and Technologies: 
Unity (any product)

James - powervyce:

Josh - joshpatriquin:

Javan - Javan:

Spencer - SpencerCongdon:

Tom - Doomhammer:


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Game Stills: 