Global Game Jam 16 - Brighton, UK Games
Displaying 1 - 14 of 14
A gameA game about a well-known pavement walking ritual. How far can you go without stepping on a line?
BritualsFlung suddenly into a demonic parallel dimension, you must navigate the social rituals of your new home and try to blend in...
Dances With The Elder GodsA DDR / Mastermind multiplayer mash-up for 1-4 players. Perform a ritual dance using the directional controls on your joypad or keyboard, then watch your player dance! You get feedback as to...
GOD WILLS ITYOU ARE CITIZEN OF NANPEI Love your nation Love yourself Don't read Science Holy Book teaches all Restricted Sexuality Restricted Freedom Restricted Expression But all in name of Citizen...
Grave ConcernsFuneral directors est. 1893
Idol Hands : Rite Here, Rite NowCollects various Gods idols, but be sure to follow the rites of all the idols you carry... NOTE: Select a Widescreen resolution or the edges of the game may be cut off!
InKarmationGather energy to embody different creatures and progress through the inkarmation ritual starting as a primal soul and becoming a rabbit, a wolf, and a hunter. Avoid predation while your incarnation...
KahunaYou play an ancient tribesman who suffers from obsessive compulsive disorder. The local villagers mistake you for a wise mystic, and follow your every ritual.
SummoningPerform the summoning movement. Controls V,B - Feet F,H - Thighs R,U - Upperarms 4,8 - Hands G - Breath
The Burdened ManNot even remotely finished, but if you fancy walking forward only for a few minutes then give it a go :)
The Labours Of HerculesThis is a complex and in-depth game about ancient rituals. It requires skill, determination and hand-eye co-ordination to pass demanding tasks and complex operations. Can you endure the trials?
The PyreYou are an acolyte tasked with maintaing a pyre for a fallen hero using a series of sacred totems. Each totem must be uncovered by completing a series of rites.
Your customer service is truly excellent.A twine game about the day my minimum wage job became too much for me.