||| Caminharás como Wilbur, em busca de um fragmento do nefasto Necronomicon.
Top down adventure livremente baseado no livro O Horror de Dunwich
||| Download > http://bit.ly/1Q42ofY
||| You'll walk as Wilbur, searching for a fragment from the nasty Necronomicon.
Top down adventure freely adapted from "The Dunwich Horror"
Jam Site:
Jam year:
MS Windows, Mac OS X
Tools and Technologies:
Unity (any product)
Technology Notes:
Desenvolvido com: Unity
Gênero: aventura
Câmera: Top Down (de cima pra baixo)
Perspectiva: 2.5D
Developed with: Unity
Genre: Adventure
Camera: Top Down
Perspective: 2.5D
Installation Instructions:
1) Baixe e Extraia o .RAR
2) Selecione seu sistema operacional
3) Execute Wilbur.exe
1) Download and extract the .RAR
2) Select the operational system
3) Execute Wilbur.exe
Evelly Holmes - 2D Art / Animation
Giseudo Oliveira - Programming
Milton Cesar - Screenplay / Sound Design
Laureano Macalango - Screenplay / Sound Design / Video Editing
Game Stills:
Download Link: