A puzzle game that has you playing as two characters who work together simultaneously to solve the level. Disillusioned with modern life and feeling lost after his grandmother's death, Tipris seeks meaning in his mundane existence. The ghost of his grandmother comes to introduce Tipris to a world where his internal spirit is free to help him achieve spirituality through ritual.
Jam year: 
Gandhi's Game
MS Windows
Tools and Technologies: 
Unity (any product)
Technology Notes: 
Maya, Mudbox, Visual Studio, GIT, Bitbucket, Photoshop, Manga studio, Audacity To skip through audio narrative cinematic tap control key or A button on XBox Controller. W,A,S,D to move or left stick on xbOX 360 controller. Arrow keys or right stick on controller to pan camera. Left control or A button to release and return spirit.

Deniz Aladagli: Programming

Anne Köhler: 2D art, level design, narrative design

Ben Pritchard: Designer/programmer

Toni Brasting: Narrative developer, narration, level design

Mathew Steed: 3D Modelling character design

Matthew Ko: Programming 

Leny Vinceslas: Audio effects

Olly Whillans: Audio effects
