Tiba-tiba Hey-hey Ya Terjadi

Aku adalah sebuah lampu taman. Apa yang kamu tahu tentang kehidupan sebuah lampu taman seperti aku? Mungkin kamu hanya pernah melihatku sekilas saat kamu kebetulan lewat taman itu di siang hari dengan terburu-buru menjalankan ritualmu sendiri. Dan hey, apa menariknya lampu taman di siang hari? Yang bahkan sebenarnya tidak perlu ada di situ pada siang hari ketika cahaya berlimpah dan semuanya benderang. Hidupku membosankan? Tidak, aku tidak merasa demikian. Aku pun mempunyai ritualku sendiri. Begitu matahari pagi mulai muncul, aku akan padam, terdiam, dan akan diam sediam-diamnya. Namun aku masih terus menyaksikan dari kejauhan dengan penglihatan yang kabur karena cahaya siang hari yang begitu kuat, bagaimana hal-hal terjadi di taman ini pada siang hari, terus terjadi, dan begitulah, berulang-ulang, dan itu tidak membosankan, layaknya sebuah ritual. ----- I am merely a Lampu Taman (also known as park lamp). What do you know about the life of a Lampu Taman like me? You may have seen me once or twice when you were strolling near the park during the day, probably busy with your own ritual. And hey, what's the appeal of Lampu Taman in the bright daylight? Which probably doesn't need to be there where everything's bright and full of light. Is my life boring? No, I don't feel bored at all, because I too have my own ritual. By the time the sun rises, I will be off, silent, and be silently still. But I could still watch from afar with a blurry sight because of the sun's bright light, about the stuffs that is happening here during the day, in which they kept going, repeatedly day by day, and it has never bothered them, like a ritual.
Jam year: 
MS Windows
Tools and Technologies: 
Unity (any product)
Technology Notes: 
Unity 5.3.1 is used for the development. Adobe Illustrator is used for the assets. Garage Band is used for the sounds.
Installation Instructions: 

This game can be played only in Windows OS with XBOX Controller for Windows. Just plug your controller in and run the .exe.



  • Dominikus D Putranto ~ Code, Story Text

  • Muhamad Arif Septian Putera ~ Code, Animation

  • Karina Utami Putri ~ 2D Art, Sprites, Sounds

  • Riva Marino ~ 2D Art, Sprites

SFX in title by MORFEM

Game Stills: