Tea For Vader

The art of tea making is a sacred ritual for the Sith. One that must be performed to perfection. As the newly appointed head of the Imperial Tea Making Division, you are responsible for making Lord Vader's daily cup of tea, but nobody has been brave enough to ask him exactly how he likes it. Work out the exact way to make Vader's perfect brew before he kills all of your Imperial Tea Boys.
Jam year: 
One hand tied behind my back
What made that sound?
MS Windows
Tools and Technologies: 
Unity (any product)
Installation Instructions: 

1. Unsip TeaForVader.zip

2. Execute the teaboy...I mean the ".exe" file



  • Paul Crabb 
  • James Whitemore 
  • Ross Furmidge 
  • Simon Launder 
  • Chris McMath 


  • Matt Darocszy

Barbershop Quartet Composer:

  • Chris McMath

Barbershop Quartet Singers:

  • Paul Crabb 
  • James Whitemore 
  • Ross Furmidge 
  • Simon Launder 
  • Chris McMath 
  • Joe Robson

(ok sure, it's not technically a quartet but come on! This is probably the only Jam game to feature an original barbershop theme tune!)

Game Stills: 
Source files: 