It's a collaborative, experience based, multiplayer, AR &VR puzzle game. This is a ritual among "enlightened" people, that share experience using a connection between their different dimensions by the resolution of a puzzle that force the first knowing more and more of the second and viceversa. The player choose his dimension of playing looking at a card (physical or digital) and after that the two enlightened get close and nearing the card they lit a spark that project them into the VR dimension according to their first choice. There they have to solve a puzzle communicating each other, by air in local or via "call like" in remote gaming mode. The puzzle consist of matching a combination rapresented by some shapes of objects related to the dimension of the other one player in a certain time. They can send object on the other side throughout a Portal, but this consumes the energy of the foretold and can lead to some problems... the card can be of various dimensions, fictional and not, disclosing edutainment possibilities(epocs setting, museum, etc...) and a multitarget approach (4-99+ yo)
Jam Site: 
Jam year: 
Take control
One hand tied behind my back
Companion screen
Common ground
Non-digital game (board game, card game, physical game, sport, etc.), Android device, iPhone
Tools and Technologies: 
.Net, Unity (any product), Virtual reality head mount display (Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, etc.)
Technology Notes: 
We used Vuforia SDK for the AR part concern tracking the cards; CardboardSDK for unity(AR/VR); Photon Cloud: the 2 user are both client (no host).
Installation Instructions: 

two android (v>=kitkat) phones and 2 Cardboard(or similar).
card1.apk on mobile1
card2.apk on mobile 2
simply put the apk in the mobile and open to install

the card can be printed or simply displayed on whatever device you whant.

N.B. if problem in installation be shure that the "install from unknown source" is enabled in settings


Game Stills: 
Source files: 