Crypto Summoners

In this game you are a wizard who have to cast a spell in order to summon a monster! But to do so you need the assistance of your minions... So, How do you cast the spell? You just have to type it! But, given that you are so old you forgot the spell. Fear no more! (That's why you have minions, duh) Your minions will have to spell the SPELL (no pun intended). Every minion will have a word in their screens and in a given order they'll have to say to you each letter of that word. This game requires communication between the Wizard and their minions, either by phone, skype, etc or in person.
Jam Site: 
Jam year: 
Crowd Sourced
Gandhi's Game
One hand tied behind my back
Companion screen
MS Windows, Mac OS X, Linux / Unix, Web standard (HTML5, Java, JavaScript, Flash), Web browser with special plugins or packaged apps, Android device, iPhone, iPad, Microsoft Windows Phone
Technology Notes: 
The technologies used in this game were: - HTML5 - Ruby on Rails - CSS3


  • Jorge Fuentes  - @glisterk
  • Romer Ramos - @romerramos
  • Juan Gonzalez - @potoy8


  • Marjorie Figueroa - @stephs1515

Some images where taken from