Winner of the Savannah Global Game Jam!
BANISH is a two player versus game, that allows players to partake in the immortal battle between two warring spirits, as they fight to banish each other from the plains of existence. Players must utilize their skills in combat to slay their enemy and offer their opponents body as a blood sacrifice to their own demonic altar. With 3 successful blood offerings given to the altar, the player's demon will grow in size and power. To win the game, the players must evolve their demon to stage 3, at which point the demon will permanently devour the opposing player, banishing them from all dimensions.
This build of the game MUST be played with a game-pad controller.
Jam Site:
Jam year:
MS Windows
Tools and Technologies:
Unity (any product)
Gameplay Programming: Tyvic Stallworth, Carl Deryl Vitasa
Art: Marisa Angeli, Christian Willet
Sound: Jack Burrows
Design: Marisa Angeli, Tyvic Stallworth, Carl Deryl Vitasa, Christian Willet, Jack Burrows
Video Link:
Game Stills:
Source files: