Jam Site Owner:
Log in to contact Sun Park
Entrance Fee:
By invitation only
Open for entire 48 hours
Jam Site Description:
This site is the place for a private jam. We'll do GGJ in my home. The house cannot afford lots of people so only invited people can join in this site. Sorry, please contact other sites in Seoul if you want to participate in GGJ.
가정집에서 열리는 작은 개인 잼 사이트 입니다. 장소 여건상 5~6명의 친구들만 초대해서 게임잼을 합니다. GGJ에 참여하고 싶으신 분들은 오픈된 다른 잼 사이트에 참여하시기 바랍니다.
Who Can Participate:
By invitation only
Age Restrictions:
Recently Uploaded Games
Two player competitive game using ONE controller. Each player controls two characters: a Shooter (circle) and a Collector (square).
Jam Site: