Carleton School of Information Technology Games
Displaying 1 - 14 of 14
Camelus Labyrinthum"So we were on the camel and it died then we fell in a dungeon and idk, what do we do now?" Camelus Labyrinthum is a multiplayer dungeon crawler. Players collect gems and defeat enemies in...
Carol's DayExperience a day in the life of Carol, who lives in a quaint suburban community. Follow her unusual morning while she figures out how to solve an unlikely predicament. Carol's Day is a...
Colonize and ConquerOur team is developing a top down, vertical scrolling game using Processing. In this game, the player starts off with a colony of 2 ants. Player will be prompted with UI that has 2 options. Both...
Dinosaurs In My House<2-4 local multiplayer> Dinosaurs have broken into my house! Duke it out in a mansion! Beat up players and knock them out of the stage to defeat them! The last one to survive wins. The...
Garbage RageIn the year 2929 nuclear waste covers the land, mutating it and generally mucking up the place. Highly radioactive garbage appropriately found its way into an innocent garbage can, permanently...
Jimm The KidMom and dad are leaving for the evening and you're in charge of your little brother. Be sure to keep him entertained or who knows what trouble he'll get into! Can you keep him safe until...
LanternsPlay as depressed miners competing to find lanterns. The lanterns increase the light they have and prevent them from getting lost. Help them collect lanterns before their life slips into the...
Last ResortLose yourself to the call of the beast in this competitive struggle to survive!
LiftoffLiftoff is an exploration/crafting/survival game that draws from the mechanics of games like Don't Starve and Minecraft. The player explores planets to construct their spaceship, which they then...
PsyClashA clash in the mind! Four players battle for control of a single character. Together you are trapped in an Aztec temple. Through sabotage and skill, you must conquer your opponents and escape as the...
Shadewood2D side scroller. 2 main characters controlled separately by 2 different players, each with their own set of skills and limits. work together to get through levels, piece together the story line and...
This Is Our Game And I'm Out Of IdeasYou've been working on your game jam for hours. You decide to take a walk to clear your head. Explore the illustrious Carleton University campus, lovingly recreated in 2.5D... Meet strange new...
Throw DeerToss the deer in the ocean! Requires XBox controller to play.
Who Ate My Cookies?Someone ate all of your cookies. You are hungry. Your hunger makes you feel diminutive. Find all you can to eat to get bigger. Try not to get eaten by creatures bigger than you. Get big enough to eat...