Two time travellers ("We") converge upon the present ("Now"), the exact moment that a catastrophe can be averted.
One is limited to the green and pleasant past, the other limited to the red and chaotic future. The playfield has
time as the x axis, and each traveller shows their current time over their head. A weird symbol in each time period
is chasing the traveller there.
Arrow keys to move, space bar to switch between travellers.
Jam Site:
Jam year:
Mac OS X
Technology Notes:
Written in Haskell, running on top of Gloss (OpenGL bindings) and Elerea (minimal FRP framework).
Installation Instructions:
- Untar the source: tar xzvf MMatP-src-
- Change to the directory: cd ggj-twenty-fifteen-a-
- cabal install --only-dependencies
- cabal run ggjaa
Code and Questionable Art: Sean "Joe" O'Rourke
Special thanks to Elise Huard and the book Game Programming in Haskell.
Repository Link:
Source files: