This is a Match-3 game made specifically for the L3D. (More about the L3D at Basically, you have a 2x2x2 "square" of lights that appear at the top of the 8x8x8 cube, and you can position it using the arrow keys. Drop the square with the ENTER key, and if you've made a group of pixels/voxels of 3 or more of the same color, they'll disappear from the gameboard, and everything above them will drop. A score and level are also displayed when playing on the computer. (Note that you can also change the perspective using the mouse when playing on the computer.)
Jam Site:
Jam year:
Other digital platform
Tools and Technologies:
Technology Notes:
An L3D is also required to play the game as intended, (and then you'll need processing also). You can play the game without one though, by just running the appropriate executable in the zip file.
Installation Instructions:
There are executables in the zip file for mac/win/linux.
All coding by Martin Grider - @livingtech -
Video Link:
Repository Link:
Source files: