Black Rabbit

“Black Rabbit” is based on the idea that appearances can be deceiving. Players embark on a mission in familiar gaming territory that quickly goes...awry. An unlikely protagonist emerges and is faced with the biggest challenge of her life. All code, artwork, sound effects and music for “Black Rabbit” was written and recorded on site during DU’s GGJ2015.
Jam year: 
MS Windows, Mac OS X, Web browser with special plugins or packaged apps
Tools and Technologies: 
Unity (any product)
Technology Notes: 
Unity, plain ol' Unity, and people who like to make something enjoyable in it.

Kyle James Hauser: Lead Writer, Lead Audio Producer

Miles Rufat-Latre: Programmer, Director, Liberator of Ducks

Stephanie Murphy: Voice Actress, Volunteer for the Cause, and Alert

Aaron Martinez: Lead Artist, Motivational Coach, Team Manager

Billy McPherson: Programmer, Developer, Manager of Source Control

Michael Habinsky: Programmer, Master Learner of Unity, and Director

Brittany Holmes: Writer of Credits, Arch-Programmer of Rapid Prototyping, and Local Insomniac

Game Stills: 
Source files: