Jam Site Owner:
Log in to contact Argilliath
Entrance Fee:
Open for entire 48 hours
Jam Site Description:
To all jammers:
We will start the event friday in the afternoon (7 pm), there will be some pc's available, but mostly you will need to bring your laptops. Unity is giving pro trials for this event at their page: https://unity3d.com/gamejams/ggj2014?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=socia... try to download the tools you may need before the jam.
We have a mall (La Gran Plaza) and local stores nearby so please bring some money for meals, we have water but you will need to buy your food through the weekend.
Also, if you wish to participate you will need to register as a jammer in the site, we will not allow entrance to non-registered people. And we will close registration once we fill our site's capacity.
Lastly, enjoy the experience and good luck!
Available Tools or Technology:
There will be power supply, ethernet cables, wifi, monitors, bring your laptops!
Who Can Participate:
Game enthusiasts, developers and students near the area
Age Restrictions:
18+ only
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