I made this after finishing the modelling for the other game I was working on at the jam called "Light of the Night" (http://globalgamejam.org/2014/games/light-night)
2player arena shooter with elements from "the binding of isac" and "hidden in plain sight"
Kill all the other players guys
The THEY vs The WEE
Only one of our characters can shoot but there is no way to tell apart from trying it, hey also all move at the same time nd you can use the environment to clump them together or separate them , u can kill your own guys and the enemies, last man standing wins.
The green areas are acid holes and will kill you , the yellow boxes can be destroyed by shooting or can be pushed.
wasd = move
tfgh = shoot in that direction
okl; = move
up,down,left,rightarrows = shoot in that direction
level select:
level1 = t
level2 = h
level3 = g
level4 = f
if the game glitches press ] to restart the level.
to continue after someone wins press ]
Source blender file is in the zip
Jam year:
Can You Come And Play?
MS Windows
Technology Notes:
All made in blender 2.8a BGE (Logic bricks)
Alastiar Low