Tabula Rasa is a 2D procedurally generated game where the world starts as a black canvas with some stars, and your goal is to fill it up with life. Enjoy this world of amazing particle effects as you search out the hidden cache's while dodging the ever so close enemy. This topdown 2D scroller will introduce you to an amazing experimental world where danger is lurking in every corner.
Jam Site:
Jam year:
MS Windows, Mac OS X, Web browser with special plugins or packaged apps
Tools and Technologies:
Unity (any product)
Technology Notes:
W to Thrust, A and D to rotate
Installation Instructions:
Unpack the .zip file
Run the application
Travis Fort
Mike Carney
Patrick Rasmussen
Roman Larionov
Sebastian Amunategui
Matt Devlin
Chase Wade
Repository Link:
Game Stills:
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Source files: