Kamikiri is an augmented reality (AR) puzzle platformer about a little bug trying to climb a big tree! The space in front of you is streamed into the game world, and objects that you place down turn into platforms for Kamikiri to traverse. Click the Youtube link below to see our team testing the first playable build of Kamikiri!
As we have created a paper-based controller to satisfy the requirements of the Hackontroller diversifier, you will need to print and cut out the controller pieces from the included PDF files. Failing this, a rudimentary gameplay experience can be achieved with solid red, blue, or yellow objects held in front of the webcam. Click on the Youtube video below to see how Kamikiri is intended to be played.
How it's played:
- Wave your hand under the webcam. If your hand is coming in from the wrong side, click the 'flip' button.
- Place pieces in front of the webcam, and you will see their silhouette in the game world.
- When you have created a path to the exit door, click the 'Go' button. Kamikiri will travel to the exit.
- Avoid the sticky yellow tree sap, as Kamikiri will get stuck and return to the beginning of the level.
- Kamikiri will stop if a tall obstacle is encountered. If you click Continue, Kamikiri will turn around and keep climbing.
All of the levels in this game were created with the included paper-based level editor! To create your own levels, print out the included PDF file. Grab some textas or pencils. Squares that are coloured in blue will appear as solid blocks. Squares that are coloured yellow will be sticky hazards. Two red squares on the page will be the entrance (on the left) and exit (on the right). Hold your sheet approximately 10cm from the webcam, then click 'save' to create a level when your blocks line up correctly. Navigate to the default Kamikiri directory, and find your level (named level*********.txt, where * is a number). Rename it as level1.txt and it will appear in Free Mode.
Thanks for playing!
Jam Site:
Jam year:
You Only Live Thrice
I am who I want to be
Can You Come And Play?
MS Windows
Tools and Technologies:
Unity (any product)
Technology Notes:
The ideal conditions under which this game should be played are as follows;
- A webcam is required, preferably a standalone camera.
- The camera should ideally be mounted 40-45cm above the playing space, facing downward.
- The area must be well lit.
- The game performs best with a neutral white surface.
- The game is played using pieces printed and cut out from the included PDF files.
- If the game stops accurately detecting the pieces, clear the play space and click the 'recalibrate' button.
Installation Instructions:
Unzip folders, open Kamikiri folder, then run Kamikiri.exe
Matthew Elvey Price - Programming
Luke Hus - Design, Level Design
Sandra Gibson - Art, Music, Sound
Video Link:
Game Stills:
Source files: