Play as Hue the prismhead in an exploration of the world of color. Collect the chromakeys, step carefully, and afterwards return from whence you came to succeed in your goal. As you move, light itself changes from your refraction, so be mindful the direction in which you move.
Jam Site:
Jam year:
I am who I want to be
MS Windows, Mac OS X, Linux / Unix
Tools and Technologies:
Unity (any product)
Technology Notes:
Maya, Photoshop, Illustrator, Fmod, Logic, Digital Performer, Kontact
Installation Instructions:
The game requires no installation. Download the executables, and run the one corresponding to your system. .exe/data file relations should be the same as which they were downloaded if moved, otherwise the game will not run.
Design/Programming: Loren Sherman, Polina Shpilker
Art: Wyatt Glenn, Annie Kuzmina
Sound: Jeremy Smith-Sebasto, Luis Augusto
Game Stills:
Source files: