Cardboard Battleship

What can you do when you are a kid that hates vegetables but your mother forces you to eat them? That’t easy! Just hop in on your imaginary spaceship and destroy all of those nasty vegetables. That’s exactly what our hero Alex does! Just be careful to not let them touch you, otherwise you will lose your coolness (and a life).
Jam year: 
You Only Live Thrice
I am who I want to be
Android device
Tools and Technologies: 
Unity (any product)

The 8D Team

Credits Game 01 - Little Ball of Fur

Alexandre Chohfi
João Roberto Júnior

Art and Animation
José Vitor Calfa

Game Design
Guilherme Tsubota
Eduardo Emmerich

Eduardo Emmerich

Music & Sound Effects
Thiago Adamo

Project Management
Guilherme Tsubota
Eduardo Emmerich

Guilherme Tsubota



Credits Game 02 - Cardboard Battleship

Emanuel Tavares
Elsio Neto

3D Artists
Rafael Monteiro
Marcos Gonçalves

Game Design
Marcos Gonçalves
Eduardo Emmerich

Music & Sound Effects
Thiago Adamo

Project Management
Eduardo Emmerich

Game Stills: