Blood Sugar Hex Magik

In January 2014, the Global Game Jam and the Candy Jam's guidelines coincided to spawn a monster in the shape of BSHM, an audacious roguelike slash puzzle game. In the top half of the screen, a nameless child explores a mall invaded by cantankerous candies, while in the bottom half a demon overlord casts spells in the hope of high scores. Each of the protagonist's actions affects the other player's game in this asymmetrical adventure which lets you choose between carefree co-op and a fight to the death.
Jam year: 
I am who I want to be
Can You Come And Play?
MS Windows, Mac OS X, Web browser with special plugins or packaged apps
Tools and Technologies: 
Unity (any product)
Technology Notes: 
Designed with Unity 4 x Qubicle Constructor to be compatible with the Midi Fighter Spectra

Blood Sugar Hex Magik
by Starmageddon 3000
for the Global Game Jam 2014
@ Bellecour Écoles d'Art, Lyon

A game by Isshak FerdjaniElie FezandelleHugo GelisRonan Guinot and Sophie Mallinson

Featuring an original soundtrack by Bubble Pipe Media and Omni-Psyence

Free artwork by Daniel Eddeson and Henrique Lazarini and 04B-30 font by 04

Special thanks to @mthwgeek and @PhilippSeifried


Game Stills: