Amphibot is a puzzle-platformer where you transform between a mermaid and a tank. Release poisonous gases to kill the humans!
Jam Site:
Jam year:
MS Windows, Mac OS X, Web browser with special plugins or packaged apps
Tools and Technologies:
Unity (any product)
Technology Notes:
Photoshop, Gimp, GarageBand, Pixel Pro by Studio Mee, Visual Studio
Designed by everyone!
Kelsey Higham: rocks
Haifa Tabbara: leadership, background graphics, power cords
Parker St. Mozée-Baum: music, sound design
Sowmya Kotipalli: background graphics
Bisma Janjua: programming, title screen, credits
Christopher Palacios: character graphics
Ernesto Rojo: gameplay programming
Video Link:
Repository Link:
Game Stills:
Source files: