Adrián Ulises González Casillas. [email protected]. Programming. Comunication. Organization.
Christian Josua Amador Alcalá. [email protected]. Programming. Level Design. GDD. Screenplay.
Luis Miguel Escutia Sáenz. [email protected]. Programming.
Alonso González Martínez. [email protected]. Lead programming.
Ingrid Carolina Woge Cruz. [email protected]. Concept art and 2D animation.
Francisco Alejandro Rivera Burgos. [email protected]. Concept Art. 3D modeling.
Mariel Rojas Pérez. [email protected]. Concept art and 2D animation.
Víctor Hugo Morán Vázquez. [email protected]. Concept art and 2D animation.
Jorge Inti Yáñez Zárate. [email protected]. Concept art. 3D modeling and animation.
David Alejandro González Flores. [email protected]. Sound effects. Audio composition and production.
Luis Alberto Rodríguez González. [email protected]. Audio composition and production.
Fernando Estévez Covarrubias. [email protected]. Audio composition and production.