
A puzzle side-scroller designed to crawl in the dark alleys of the soul of a little child. It has a wide variety of art styles and a solid soundtrack. Proposes a "simple-like" mechanics system, but has a lot of potential (to know more, feel free to read the Game Design Document).
Jam Site: 
Jam year: 
Web standard (HTML5, Java, JavaScript, Flash)
Technology Notes: 
HTML5, JavaScript.

Adrián Ulises González Casillas. [email protected]. Programming. Comunication. Organization.

Christian Josua Amador Alcalá. [email protected]. Programming. Level Design. GDD. Screenplay.

Luis Miguel Escutia Sáenz. [email protected]. Programming.

Alonso González Martínez. [email protected]. Lead programming.

Ingrid Carolina Woge Cruz. [email protected]. Concept art and 2D animation.

Francisco Alejandro Rivera Burgos. [email protected]. Concept Art. 3D modeling.

Mariel Rojas Pérez. [email protected]. Concept art and 2D animation.

Víctor Hugo Morán Vázquez. [email protected]. Concept art and 2D animation.

Jorge Inti Yáñez Zárate. [email protected]. Concept art. 3D modeling and animation.

David Alejandro González Flores. [email protected]. Sound effects. Audio composition and production.

Luis Alberto Rodríguez González. [email protected]. Audio composition and production.

Fernando Estévez Covarrubias. [email protected]. Audio composition and production.



Source files: